
Tips for Economical Pet Care

Who doesn’t like to save a buck or two when they can? It turns out that there are several ways to save money on pet care, and sometimes even benefit your animal companion’s health at the same time. Read on as your Dallas, GA vet offers quick tips for economical pet care.

Practice Preventative Medicine

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This old adage couldn’t be more true than when it comes to your pet. Preventing infection, disease, and infestations through the power of preventative care is much cheaper than treating these problems after the fact! Have your pet stay up to date on pest-control medicines that ward off worms, fleas, and ticks, and make sure they’ve been vaccinated to prevent contagious and dangerous diseases like distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, and Lyme disease.

Control the Portion Size

Why waste food when you don’t have to? By giving your pet his or her meals in a controlled portion size, you’re saving yourself money and benefitting your pet’s health at the same time. By overfeeding your pet, you’re using up more food, more often. Plus, you’re contributing to possible obesity, which can prove costly to reverse later in life. Using a measured portion is simply the smartest choice! Consult your veterinarian for advice if you aren’t sure how much food your pet should be given.

Skip the Extras

There’s really no way around it: your pet doesn’t care one way or the other what brand of sweater they’re wearing, or whether or not they’re sleeping on the latest and greatest expensive pet bed. Novelties and extras like these just aren’t essential for your pet’s well-being, so if you’re trying to save money, stick with the essentials. It’s fun to indulge your animal friend once in a while, but overdoing it simply isn’t cost-effective.

Adopt, Don’t Shop

One way to save money before you’ve even gotten to know your next pet is to adopt from a rescue facility or animal shelter, rather than purchasing from a pet store or breeder. The price tag at breeders’ facilities and pet shops are almost always far higher than those at a shelter. Plus, shelter pets often have initial vaccinations completed and a microchip implanted, saving you extra money right off the bat. If you’re in the market for a new pet, consider your local shelters!

Learn more by contacting your Dallas, GA veterinarian.

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